all boy/all girl started with modest beginnings when theatrical vocalist and front woman Danielle Lovier first started playing music with experimental composer and bassist Nicholas Rahn in Philadelphia in 2010. When the two began playing in Rittenhouse Square Park for spare change, there was an instant, explosive chemistry. After touring the US for three months as a duo, they found themselves living in New York City, writing and recording an EP of contemporary-classical-leaning pop songs.
The 7-piece band assembled organically around those arrangements with soprano vocalist Jessie Rogowski, guitarist Josh Curry, drummer Joey Campanella, cellist Susan Mandel and violist Hannah Levinson coming into the fold. The epoch of all boy/all girl soon took form, their name derived from the Arthur Russell song. The group toured extensively supporting 2013’s Tiny Iglesia and 2015’s Trophy EP with a vigor noticed by their audiences in the US and abroad. Channeling her formative days in Syracuse’s hardcore scene, Lovier’s unhinged performances quickly became a highlight of the septet’s live output.
In 2016, the band built a rehearsal space in a vacant basement beneath a pawn shop in the lower east side of Manhattan. They constructed a room where there was none, a creative workshop for themselves where their abstract version of pop music could be nurtured and honed. In this room, they would begin chipping away at the songs that would become Slagroom, their highly ambitious second full-length album (recorded and mixed by experimental/noise purveyors, Machines With Magnets) and the most unwavering and dynamic material the band has created to date.
After touring on Slagroom and paring down from a swelling septet to a duo, Lovier and Rahn recorded 2017's Troubleshooting EP and 2018's Crisps EP before calling it quits and starting their next project, Grocer.
"On Slagroom, the band has created an album that is profoundly epic, yet still concerned with the local things like urban sprawl or a food court Arby’s"
"Whimsical, off kilter songwriting, the group have ties to both the classical realm and the punk world, with their wide-open approach absorbing numerous left-field influences.... gorgeous songwriting, with those classical flourishes underpinning a truly wonderful vocal delivery"
"Setting the otherwise buoyant music against a backdrop of warped, eerie and often spectacular visuals. Intertwined with the string-led, wonderfully inventive new track, the whole thing stands as a mesmerising introduction to the new record"
"With a theatrical, acoustic sound that darts between experimental and pop, the band infuses contemporary classical and rock elements into eclectic arrangements that are easy on the ears and soul"
"The type of avant-pop collective that has a theatrical flair informing every part of its aesthetic. For its recent EP, the band actually made little trophies to be purchased along with the album, also releasing a browser game that lets users take a hammer and do exactly what the game’s title implies"
"Eerie harmonies, a sputtering string section, and ethereal textures that abound throughout"
"Danielle Lovier has some sort of fire pipes. She belts ferociously on this first, surprising taste of all boy/all girl‘s forthcoming release. Lovier’s voice is boiling honey, but it turns effortlessly violent. Those vocal flames lick the tips of your toes and a cacophony of beautiful sound splashing from the 7-piece band that is building on a foundation of musical theater meets punk rock"
"An epic six-minute symphonic pop piece driving toward a certain transcendence. The track was released with an interactive website companion that fully envelopes you as you move through a renaissance scene with flickering candles that slowly uncovers a beautiful landscape"
"Luckily for us, the band is signed to a label (Grind Select) that revels in complexity alongside them. The single has been released with an accompanying interactive website that “aims to capture the emotional tone of the song by placing listeners in the world of Andrea Amati, the Renaissance-era inventor of the violin” by providing an amalgamation of canvases to study while listening along"
"It seems at first like a moody video whose lens travels slowly over the surface of a Italianate painting—like a Roomba let loose on the Renaissance work. Then you notice that the dark, seemingly candle-lit examination seems to alter its flicker based on the music. That’s due to the use of the Web Audio API, allowing the song’s audio data to affect the lighting in real-time"
"Paired down from a swelling septet to a duo, Troubleshooting is both gorgeous and ominous, direct and obscure, a vision of pop manipulated and often mutilated into dream-fueled noise, powered by abrasive electronics and a beautifully warped sensibility"
"The sprawling orchestral style has been replaced by a cacophonous rock aesthetic, Lovier’s vocals possessing newfound grit and blunt immediacy, the atmosphere swirling in raucous noise, as though a bell jar has been placed over the band, their previously diffused sound forced to gather into thick black thunderheads"